Thursday, October 16, 2008

Unemployed and feeling useless?

There are a lot of people who are going thru challenges right now. Some have lost their jobs, some have had hours reduced. Others have the same income, but with prices rising they are trying to figure out how to feed the kids, or get Halloween costumes, or Christmas gifts. Or just get by.

For those that are feeling unwanted due to a lay off, downsizing, realignment, deselection (or whatever word they use where you work), it may be a good thing to remember that one of the best ways to combate depression is to do something for someone else.

There are only two ways we can help anyone, with our time and with our money. So take some of your time and find a way to give. Volunteer with an organization like the Second Harvest Foodbank, or with the local school, or a youth organization. Or go to a neighbor and volunteer to sit with their kids while they go out to cheap movie, or just to watch the sunset and breathe!

The benefits to volunteering are many, and include the fact that you are sowing good seeds (which will come back to you multiplied!), and that you are getting to know others. And getting to know other people is also known as - tada - networking! And since most jobs are found through networking, you are benefiting yourself.

So go give to others and give to your self esteem at the same time.

God bless!

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