Thursday, October 9, 2008

And how does the newest economic news affect me?

Wow, things have been really, um, interesting, in the past two weeks. The financial sky is falling according to some, and according to others, it's just a low cloud ceiling that will break up soon. Regardless, a lot of folks are concerned.

The concern has done a couple of things. It has reinforced that the financial security of your family does not come from your employer (we learned that years ago, when companies began wholesale layoffs!). Nor does it come from your employer's "secure" retirement pensions and 401k. If the company uses loans to do business and is traded on the stock exchange, security is not available any more!

A lot of people are asking for my help in developing their financial security. The look of relief on their faces as they realize they can control their future is wonderful. It's why I do what I do!

People are also feeling very depressed that they cannot support the charities they have in previous years. In a way, they take on a guilt that they don't have the disposable income to share. I took this on as a challenge and am having a lot of fn and great success helping charities to raise funds with no stress, no hassle, no financial exposure, and no need to ask families to spend money they would not normally spend.

In short, the economy is an opportunity to serve more and I am loving every minute of it! Success is often defined as 'how many people are better off because you lived?' I hope you are finding ways to serve and give, and be successful, too. Please let me know how. And if you know anyone who has a need, would you let me know? I'd like to help!

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