Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What do you sell, how can you sell more?

Phil Johnson posted a great question on LinkedIn today - What are you selling and how can you sell more? - He really made me think and here's what I said:
Nicely put!
"What are you selling?"
the product can be a specific item, a service, or yourself (if you are looking for employment).

"How can you sell more?"
In all cases you are best served to find the need of the prospective buyer/employer and then realistically see if your product meets that need. I believe it was Andrew Carnegie who said that when you help enough others get what they want, you will get what you want. So finding what others want and helping them get it is what will help you sell more.
It's simple, almost deceptively so.
What I do is help individuals and companies to realize their income and leadership potentials. Once I know what they want, I help them find paths to achieve it. One of my major tools is a line of gift and incentive products that help their customers and friends to get *what* they want. And so it goes. . .
It's simple, not necessarily easy, tho!

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