Friday, September 19, 2008

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

When I was in undergrad (Special Education at Indiana State University) I learned about the concept of the self fulfilling prophecy. In a nutshell, studies show what we all know. Kids will live up or down to what they hear you say about them. If a kid hears, "This little girl is sweet, but she probably won't be very good in school, she just doesn't have the smarts," odds are she won't be that great. And she will not think of herself as smart. The more they hear it, the higher the chance they won't succeed.
While I was in grad school I was exposed to a great book, "What to Say When You Talk to Yourself" by Shad Helmstetter/ It helped me understand more about how the concept actually works and how it is even more powerful for ourselves.
And tomorrow, I will have a great example of the truth of this principle. Tomorrow, I walk in the Walk From Obesity at Concord Mills, Concord, NC. I care about this cause because I have dropped 180 pounds in the past three years, through diet, exercise, and gastric bypass (Roux en Y with Fobi Band). But the actually journey began a couple of years before that, when I started using self talk to change my self image to be at 180 pounds (rather than the 423 that I was at when I began). I still have 60 pounds to go, but I *know* that I would not be where I am if I had not changed my self image through influencing my self fulfilling prophecy.
So I encourage you to get the book and use this to make your life more enjoyable!
To your personal success!

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